Years 5 and 6 Points System
Years 5 and 6 have a new points system in place. Each half term they are awarded points for their effort, behaviour and attendance. These...
Mummies and Monsters Disco
Every term we have a school disco. This term the disco was based on the theme Mummies and Monsters. Everyone went to a great effort to...
The Pantomime
Everyone went into the hall to watch the pantomime, which was to advertise Aladdin which is the Christmas Panotomime being shown in Venue...
Zig Zags have been clear
We have good news. Since our zig zag competition last year, Mr Rogers has been taking some of us out as Road Safety Officers to check...
European Day of Languages
Recently we had European day which is where all of the junior classes go round all the other junior classes, and the infant classes also...
Zig Zag competition
After a few weeks of road safety talks pupils have been working hard designing posters in order to tell parents to stop parking on the...
Cwm Idwal School Council Trip
Recently School Council and Fair Trade went to Cwm Idwal, for the excellent help they gave to the school this year. Cwm Idwal is one of...
Harrison's haircut for charity
Harrison in Year 6 has been growing his hair for the last year and a half. He wanted to grow his hair to be able to donate it to Little...
Over the last couple of weeks, the musicians that have been having lessons here, played in a concert and street dance performed in front...
Megan, Amy, Hannah, Gracie and Bethan all went to a tennis tournament and won the majority of their games. They represented Ysgol Cynfran...